Luke Yates Adventure


Triathlon; swim, bike, and then run. Not three separate sports. One sport. Three disciplines. Never has that been more apparent to me than after Ironman 70.3 Santa Cruz this weekend. It was, to put it bluntly, a total shit show.

Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge should have been a serious highlight for me. After a couple of weeks in San Francisco it would mark the beginning of the final leg of my trip. Three and a half months to New York; no more flights to take and no more major breaks. Whilst it was undoubtedly cool, and the views were spectacular, it wasn’t the experience I had hoped for. It just didn’t… Read More

I rolled into San Francisco with my friend Natascha and was presented with a very exciting prospect; two weeks off the bike! It would in fact turn out to be even longer, but the chance to rest my legs and be a tourist for a while was extremely enticing. The first few days were spent sorting out all my kit from the trip, running errands and starting to get my bearings in… Read More

Ever wondered what happens when you try to run a half-marathon with barely any training? Last Sunday, at about 6.30 in the morning, that’s exactly what I tried to do. I was on the startline for the San Francisco Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon. I had only run about 50 km in the last 6 months, but had cycled thousands. My fitness will carry me through, right?

It was with a sense of growing trepidation that I landed at LAX airport. Looking out of the window I could see the heaving sprawl that is LA and had just flown over more people than live in the whole of New Zealand. I didn’t really want to get off the plane to be honest. New Zealand had become so comfortable. America by contrast seemed big, uninviting and just a little scary. … Read More